Little did we know, three and a half years ago, that losing our daughter, Faith, would set in motion the events that would lead us to this day; such a legacy for some one that was on this earth for just a few hours.
Today was the day we made the adoption complete. A lot of people asked me if I was excited and I have to say, I was excited, but also calm. It's like having a baby. Up until your due date, you stress about what's going to happen, how painful it will be and if you and the baby will be ok, but when the day comes and you're in labor, a sense of calm comes over you and you're no longer as scared as you were. You just know that you are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to birth this tiny little baby.
The adoption of the boys was the same way. The last six months have had their ups and downs. We've been scared, frustrated, happy, nervous and even angry. We asked each other constantly if we were crazy for getting ourselves into this. In the last week, though, a sense of calm has come over us. We know these boys were meant to be with us and we know we can handle this. We're completely ready to face the road ahead. That long, long, long, loooong road ahead. Kidding!
So...our date started as usual. The boys were the first ones up and just like every morning, they sat in their beds and talked to each other as if they were on opposite sides of the house. In other words, we could hear every word because they were yelling.
We were running late to the court house, because after six months, we still haven't figured out how to get out of the door on time with three children. Just like Depelchin warned us, we got to the court house and did a lot of waiting and waiting and more waiting. When it was finally our turn we approached the bench and our lawyer asked us a bunch of questions:
What is your name?
Have you had these boys for 6 months
Have you been given all their background information and read it?
Do you want to adopt these two children?
After all the yes's and I do's and a few teary eyes (even Jaime...sssh!)the judge pronounced us a family. We took some pictures and that was it. I think were in there for a total of FIVE minutes. The judge was very nice. He let us behind his desk to take a picture and then all the kids, including Grace, got teddybears.
To top it all off, I got to come home to this:
along with dinner waiting for me in a cooler. I just want to tell Tammy, Ken, Michelle, Kenny, Lisa, Kurt, Kim and Mike that you guys are the sweetest, nicest most thoughtful people. I love you all and we want all of you in our lives forever...even if our kids become mortal enemies.
It's official now. We are a "par.t.of.five" and couldn't be happier.
Now could somebody please pass me a glass of wine? Make that the bottle!